Our Expertise

Featured Services

  • High-Quality, Low-Budget Weddings
  • Themed Weddings
  • Vow Renewals
  • Baptisms
  • Purity Ceremonies & Certificates
  • Counseling Services
  • Couples Reparative Therapy
  • 24-Hour Skype Confession
  • Discounts for Military, Law Enforcement & Seniors

Members-Only Benefits*

  • Get Your Name In The Bible
  • Refer A Friend Program

*To learn more about memberships, please contact us.

Signature Services

Whether you’re in a last-minute pinch or just need fast solutions, we’re here to help. We pride ourselves on our ability to accommodate and successfully manage unique, challenging and last-minute requests or circumstances. For more information, please contact us for a free consultation.

  • Special Add-Ons
  • Damage Control & Emergency Fixes

Our Approach


We create a personalized experience for each client

Designed to reach your goals at the right price

Vow Renewals

Remind each other why you fell in love in the first place. Ask about our fast and easy programs.

Themed Events

Thanks to our talented production team and entertainers, we specialize in creating unique events of all kinds.

Couples Therapy

Personalized therapeutic programs for family members, couples and individuals.

Affordable Weddings

You don’t have to spend a fortune on your dream wedding.

Customer Satisfaction

Work with us

As a valued customer, your satisfaction is our top priority.

Amazing discounts & reduced rates

We offer the most competitive rates possible- Guaranteed.

Five-Star Quality

Work with the industry’s top professionals, from wedding planners, caterers, venues and more.

Privacy & Confidentiality

For private events or sensitive issues, we will always respect and honor your request for privacy and confidentiality.

Some of the best things in life are free

Get freebies and discounts when you sign up for our Rewards Program or Refer a Friend Program.

Special Services

We proudly serve couples, families and individuals across the nation. It is our mission to legally officiate marriages, vow renewals, baptisms and more at the most affordable prices available.